You are not wrong about Edinburgh being beautiful, but as you said cold, and often wet. Thankfully we were greeted with sunshine. We only had a day and a half there as we were travelling up north, so reading your post today gives me a far better outlook on the city. Thank you Flavio
Certainly one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. I was a student in the 80s at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, spent 3 years there. Thanks Flavio for the wonderful pics!
You are not wrong about Edinburgh being beautiful, but as you said cold, and often wet. Thankfully we were greeted with sunshine. We only had a day and a half there as we were travelling up north, so reading your post today gives me a far better outlook on the city. Thank you Flavio
Been to Edinburgh once during the Fringe and immediately fell in love. Nice photos.
Thank you! How was the festival?
A must-experience
I heard Edinburgh was a walkable city and you just confirmed it Flavio. Another inspiring read! I want to go to the Fringe Festival one day.
Thank you! Oh yes Fringe Festival could be a good reason to go back!
Great post and walk through the city. Went a few years back and this has really made me want to go again!
Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed reading it!
Edinburgh is my second favorite city after Istanbul. Your photos make me want to drop what I'm doing right now and book a flight.
Thank you!! It's a big duel between Edinburgh and Istanbul!
Going there for a day later this summer. Very much looking forward to it and your pictures only make me more interested!
Thank you!! You will love Edinburgh, and you will want to come back!
Oh, I'm 100% certain of that!
Beautiful photos and I enjoyed your narrative. I love Edinburgh. Thanks so much for posting this, Flavio.
Thank you!!
Certainly one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. I was a student in the 80s at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, spent 3 years there. Thanks Flavio for the wonderful pics!